Friday, May 15, 2009

Thing I Got From Kathleen, Who Got It From Michelle. Reliable Sources Say That "Michelle Is Amazing!".

What is your current obsession? Hockey Playoffs. When it's playoff time, I watch like every game, no matter who is playing. The fever has taken over my life.

What is your weirdest obsession? I have this OCD thing about bathrooms. Or my love of waitresses.

What are you wearing today? White Hard Rock T-Shirt, Jeans, Black Telecaster Hoodie I wear like everyday.

What’s for dinner today? Spaghetti. Bruce Springsteen.

What are you looking forward to today? Bruce Springsteen. He will tell me all about the glory days and thunder roads and make me feel like I too was born to run.

What would you like to learn to do? Build a death-laser. Maybe play the piano.

What’s the last thing you bought? Uh....a burger and fries. Haha. I haven't bought anything legitimate in a long time.

What are you listening to right now? "The Seldom Seen Kid" By: Elbow. It has that badass song from Burn After Reading on it. The rest of it is sweet too.

What is your favorite weather? Raining Blood. Clearly. I also like Tsunamis cause they have a cool name and whenever it's like 70 and partly cloudy.

What is your most challenging goal right now? To start my life as a real human being.

What do you think about the person who tagged you? Kathleen? I think the world of Kathleen. She's incredible! As far as I'm concerned, she is the reason the internet exists.

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? This is a rough one for me. I like Spain, Portugal, the south of France, that whole western european area. New York and Austin seem amazing and Canada is nice all over.

What would you like to have in your hands right now? Lots and lots of money. Is there another answer to this? A genie lamp?

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? I would go to Los Angeles and thank Kathleen for this great survey. Ha.

Which language do you want to learn? Spanish. I always have. I took it in high school but my teachers were more concerned with yelling and being fools than showing me how to speak spanish so all I know is how to find a hooker, a parrot, or a hooker with a parrot.

What do you look for in a friend? Uh...not a douche. I guess there's no real rhyme or reason to my group of friends other than that. They just have to be kind of smart and not piss me off too much.

Who do you want to meet in person? Everybody. God. Not like I want to meet God, I was using God as an interjection. Right now? Charlie Kaufman.

What’s your favorite type of music? Good music. I was just listening to Iron and Wine. That guy is good. Have I ever told you how much I like him? Ask me. You'll get a speech about the brilliance of the Woman King EP. You'd probably get a speech about any musician though. Ha.

What’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet? I don't keep clothing in my closet. I use the doorknob to hold my Telecaster Hoodie that I had mentioned previously. So, that's pretty good.

What is your dream job? Writing and directing film. Also, making music.

Any favorite models? Obviously, Tyra. Ha, but for real, Paulina Porizkova because she is married to Ric Ocasek and he looks like a combination of a zombie and a turkey.

If you were given a pinata, what would you want it to be filled with? Blood Diamonds!

Favorite designers? I don't know. Marc Jacobs? I hear good things.

What’s your must have for the summer season? Lemonade.

Do you admire anyone’s style? Russell Brand. He is committed to looking ridiculous.

Describe your personal style? Lazy guy that wears old t-shirts and jeans that are not stylish at all. Needs help. Could be homeless. Actually, I have a pretty good sense of style. I just don't use it cause I'm the lazy guy.

What is one of your favorite books? Pimp: The Story Of My Life. People might laugh when I say that, but read it. It's a great book.

What is one of your favorite films? Almost Famous...the director's cut of it. It's like 3 hours long but I didn't want it to end. "And you can tell Rolling Stone Magazine my last words were....I'm on drugs!!"

Who is your favorite comedian/comedic actor? Right now, I will say Dave Chappelle.

The rules:1. Respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.

2. Tag eight other people. I don't know 8 people that read my blog. Matt. Do it. maybe you'll be better at it than commenting.

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