Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Lack Of Alec Guinness Here Is Stunning...Just Stunning

I was watching some of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, over the weekend, and here's what I realized: If you don't pay close enough attention, you might think you're watching gay porn. The writing is bad, on a level that you wouldn't think a big budget movie could be. Should I remind anyone of Jar Jar Binks? And what was with that kid yelling "Yippee!" all the goddamn time? The effects? I don't know who thought they were good but the original star wars looked better. And, they made that movie with like popsicle sticks, glue, and safety scissors. It's also kind of amazing how bad the performances are from people who are good actors. They really might as well have started putting it in each other's asses. I was honestly surprised they did not.

I love Natalie Portman, in a way I've never loved anyone else, but what was she thinking acting with Hayden Christensen? He is made of popsicle sticks, glue, and safety scissors. I liked Jar Jar Binks' performance better and he clearly had some type of mental disability. The only person who really got through any of this with their acting dignity in tact was Liam Neeson. But he only had to be in one of them, so that was an advantage. Also, he was Liam Neeson, at the time. That helps too.

Anyway, I just thought I'd say something about how bad these movies were. Another thing I realized though is that what George Lucas was able to accomplish is that even though these movies are not good at all, I sat there and watched them instead of doing something else. And....if he is a genius, that is the only reason why.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha. I don't think I saw the whole trilogy, but I remember the acting being pretty painful to watch. Natalie Portman's face, however, was not painful. It was the antithesis of pain. It should be employed for medicinal use. Natalie Portman's face; a less controversial marijuana.
